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.Forums: Voting Booth
Welcome to Songpedia's voting booth forum! It's called "voting booth" because people come here to vote. "What do I post here?" You post consensus in here, for example, you want a user unblocked, then you post here, any forum you want to make the community vote is in here. Remember, anything you post here should be wiki-related, for example, you post it like "Do you like Rap?" or "Do you like the Classics?", then posts like that will be considered off-topic for the voting booth and will be deleted. Also please follow our Voting Policy if it's related to a person being unblocked or being promoted/demoted.
Recent Activities

Here are the recently changed posts. To post, simply write the title on the box, then click "post". After clicking post, write the details on the page, sign, then click "publish".


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Post Author Last Change
Demote Iamred1Jeffwang1615:55, 25 November 2011 by Jeffwang16
Disable RTENobody Cares12:59, 18 July 2011 by Nobody Cares
Voting BoothNobody Cares09:37, 15 June 2011 by Nobody Cares